If you wish a legal consultation regarding a potential injury case, the following is requested of every new client:

  • Prepare a written narrative which recites the facts of your case set forth in a chronological format including a description of the accident/incident, all medical diagnoses/treatment, and your current condition.
  • Try to obtain all pertinent medical records and accident reports.  Medical records can be obtained from the Medical Records office of the hospital, clinic or doctor’s office.  They may require you to sign a release form.  Some hospitals allow patients to do this on-line.  If your potential claim involves medical malpractice please do not mention that you are consulting with an attorney; instead simply advise the records office clerk that you wish to obtain your records for “personal reasons.”
  • I will need a copy of every medical bill which involved treatment for the injuries.  When you obtain your medical records the bills/invoices should also be provided to you.  Insurance “Explanation of Benefits” are NOT bills and cannot be used for your case, only actual bills/invoices which list the treatment received and procedure codes.